Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nothing Don’t Rhyme With Orange

Just ask your Mother
Nothing rhymes with something
But not red and yellow mixed together
People have different pronunciations
After I finish my bowl of porridge
Gonna get my imagination out of storage
My fun way of communication
I’ve been on a writing binge
Pen and paper singe
I always like a challenge
If someone tells you nothing rhymes
With a certain color or fruit
Be on high alert
Look for signs of syringes
Or scars from the mosh pit brute
Don’t let him become a sponge
Let him down gently
There’s no more grunge


  1. Mmm I think silver is another word that is believed not to have a rhyming mate.

  2. Great poem! How fun. And I'm thinking porridge and storage are pretty darned close to orange.
    How about silver and pilfer?
    Purple and turtle?

    Guess it's all in how you look at it. Dr. Seuss would accept any of those rhymes!

    Love your writing Glenn! Glad to see you're doing it and looks like you had fun with this piece!

  3. Fun late night poetry. Or is it early morning?

  4. If it's good enough for Dr. Seuss, it's good enough for me. Wrote this one many moons ago. Holiday/Christmas poems are coming soon.

  5. I had to look it up, Glenn! You probably did too, but here's what I found -

    Are there any words that rhyme with orange?
    Orange has almost no perfect rhymes. The only word in the 20-volume historical Oxford English Dictionary that rhymes with orange is sporange, a very rare alternative form of sporangium (a botanical term for a part of a fern or similar plant). Silver is another word for which it is almost impossible to find a perfect rhyme: the only candidate is the rare word chilver, which the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary defines as 'a ewe-lamb' (i.e. a female lamb). Both orange and silver do have half-rhymes, though: the Oxford Rhyming Dictionary gives lozenge as a half-rhyme for orange, for example, and salver as a half-rhyme for silver.

    What's the difference between a full rhyme and a half-rhyme? A full and stressed rhyme (e.g. hand / stand) or even an unstressed rhyme (such as handing / standing) contain vowels that are common to both words, while a half-rhyme like orange / lozenge or silver / salver has obvious differences between the vowels in certain syllables. The technical term for a half-rhyme is 'pararhyme'

    Love your poem and yes - can't wait for the Christmas ones!
